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English children's camp in the Carpathians (Mukacheve)


For lovers of excursions and city holiday
2.01 - 12.01, 2027

Thematically, the program will be organized around the winter holidays, traditions, ceremonies, games. Of course, it all goes in English and under the guidance of caring counselors (as always - two counselors on the squad of 15 players).



Features unique English language program


• Immersion in an English atmosphere from rising before curfew!
   Do the math:
  English 16 hours per day,
  10 days = 160 hours of exciting developmental communication English!
• Small groups (formed by age, up to 15 people in the unit, two counselors on detachment)
• Individual approach to each participant
• elaborate, exciting developing English language program
• exciting activities: Related shifts, creative and song


Interesting activities Playing


• caring, energetic, professional counselors
• modern and traditional English songs
• skilfully planned and saturated schedule
• skiing (if there is snow)


Skiing. English camp Magic Camp On the hill on skis. English Camp Magic Camp


• swimming in a thermal pool wellness Beregovo


The pool in Beregovo. Children's camp Thermal swimming pool in Berehovo


• interesting digression-Search city of Mukachevo, Uzhgorod, medieval castle "Palanok" and Chinadievo


Castle in Mukacheve City Tour


• Christmas celebration


Scene At the festive table



Look at this photos

Participating in the "Path to Success", child:

   • Understand what success is and what it contributes
   • Acquainted with the laws of success and the qualities of a successful person
   • Learn to take responsibility for their success over
   • Finds necessary and sufficient conditions for responsible decision-making
   • Practice making an informed choice and to make responsible decisions







What is included in the price?


√ Program Three in one:
       1. recreational program
       2. personal development program
       3. program to overcome the language barrier - all in English
√ job counselors
√ accommodation and 3 meals a day
√ tour: Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Berehovo, thermal pool, castle "Palanok" Chinadievo (entrance fee)
√ leaving the mountain, skiing (if there is snow)
√ Christmas holiday






Pension "Kharchovyk" Mukachevo


Pension Harchovik. English Camp Magic Camp 


Description of the place
• Pension is located on the outskirts of the city in an ecologically clean area
• Near the wooded mountains
• wonderful air
• to the city center - 10-15 minutes
• Western European architecture, medieval castle, delicious coffee

• room for 2-3-4 person; room facilities
• hot water
• sauna (on request and reservation)



3 single balanced





For more information contact us!


Please, call:


+38050 401 79 47 - Andrew


+38073 053 78 89 - Andrew